Still picking up my jaw from the floor with regard to how these bailouts are going to cost the taxpayer, their children and their grandchildren.
Do any of us really think there is enough money in the Fed’s pot to bail out all of these bums? It seems to me there is a whole bunch of people who have benefited from the mortgage crisis when it was making certain people at LOT of money. Let me see, who do I include in the august group? How ‘bout mortgage insurers, real estate brokers, county property assessors, home inspectors, property developers, and the various home improvement people who brought said property up to the likes of the prospective homeowner!!!
I know who all was involved because I bought a home in 2004, and brother do I recall the details. I recall property assessments, home inspections, A/C and dishwasher repairmen, my own home inspector, my real estate broker, and a few additional fees that I had to pony up. You see, it was a housing boom in Atlanta, and the seller’s brokerage firm thought I was going to be one of those real estate “flippers.” I made the mistake of finding my home on the fifth “look see” and I put over 25% down toward the price. I had to pay extra fees to get my banker to write a letter guaranteeing that yes, there was sufficient money to pay for the down payment. Come to think about it, why did the seller even care if I had been a flipper, he would have gotten his money regardless.
Now I get the honor of bailing out these people who backed 110% loans (with no down payment) based on adjustable rate mortgages for people who had little chance of understanding the ramifications of these loans, who had absolutely no personal money at stake, and did not have the where with all to make those payments as they increased.
So I and every other TAXPAYER get to bail out all of the dirt balls, while facing possible unemployment, depression, and some shmuck says it is patriotic to pay taxes?
I am so pissed that I can’t see straight, let alone think rationally about all of this crap. Have we learned nothing from history? Question. Who all knows who rescinded the Glass-Steagall Act?
I figure the economic situation is good enough for me as a scenario for preparing for an emergency situation. Just didn’t count on the economy as being THE scenario that would start the tidal flood. What’s next? I am thinking civil unrest!
Temporary slow down in preparations
One of my mutts had to have surgery, and while under the vet did some extra stuff for her ear problems. Medications had to be given..blah, blah. That set me back a bunch of $$$
Broke a tooth eating pretzels, funny I didn’t feel it break. It did get me to thinking that while I will likely have to get a crown, I might as well think about a general check up and cleaning. Who knows when there will be time OR money for that in the future. Ouch, that’s going to leave a dent.
I have managed meet my primary goal in food storage. Still working one last item and have found a retailer for that.
Got the bright idea to dehydrate some green onions and thought I would just dust off the ole dehydrator that is at least 15 years old. An hour into the process, I couldn’t hear the fan running. Sure enough, something had happened to the electrical components. Hear tell it is a diode.
Checked the Wal-Mart website, and it had a suitable replacement. Nesco makes a great expandable dehydrator with the fan blower on top of the appliance. Yes, I could have gotten a better deal with EBay or whatever but I had chopped green onions that needed to be dried.
The new dehydrator is great; the green onions were done in half the time – 4 hours. Stored in an air tight container, labeled with contents and date, and placed them in a dark closet. Apparently, dehydrated vegetables will lose color quickly if not stored in a dark environment.
Canned some butter. What a laborious endeavor. All that checking every five minutes. But what great looking butter!! Thanks to Texas Preppers for the recipe. My household is addicted to artery clogging butter, so at least there will be some happy campers.
Some thoughts on Hurricane Ike
Haven’t seen a lot of what I would call substantial information coming out of Texas. No statistics from FEMA about numbers of generators, people in shelters, and even the numbers of dead or missing are a bit sketchy. Am I missing the reports or is FEMA being reticent about the numbers? Haven’t really seen the talking heads doing their usual reports given in the worried voices. Am I missing something here?
So much to do and so little time. A bite at a time, I guess.
The Glass-Steagall Act was mostly recinded by the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999. The final bipartisan bill was passed in the Senate 90-8-1 and in the House: 362-57-15. It was signed into law by President Bill Clinton on November 12, 1999.
Note That Gramm, Leachy and Bliley are all Republicans.
Not that it makes one bit of difference. Both parties been playing this game for quite awhile. Deregulation has been a favorite of both parties since the 70s when they began to deregulate the airlines.
there was an article linked to on millenium ark which suggested that some of those missing from galveston may have just been washed out to sea. maybe texans in general were more prepared than new-orleanians, so the media have nothing to report.
It was duly noted that Galveston was a, shall we say, "more affluent" area than Naw'lins. Most folks got out. Those that stayed (now probably wish they didn't!) were more prepared to do so. As far as folks being washed out to sea... If they had, they'd be washing ashore down here right about now with the rest of the debris piling up on our beaches. So far, no bodies have turned up....
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