Thursday, December 25, 2008

Oh, yeah

Everyone have a Merry Christmas.  I hope all of your Christmas dreams and wishes came true.  

At the Risk of Sounding Like a Whack Job

Now back to my question of "unused" military installations.  Look where my research took me!!

Whatever happened to the $385 M (that's millions of dollars) contract awarded to Kellog-Brown & Root/Halliburton to build temporary immigration detention centers?  

You know, the centers to be built for Homeland Security for an "influx of immigrants...natural disaster or for new programs that require additional detention space."  

At the time this contract was announced waaaay back in 2006, a Homeland Security spokesperson stated "It's the type of contract that could be used in some kind of mass migration."   This comment was followed by additional comments from the Army Corps of Engineers.  The Corps talking head said "the centers could be at unused military sites or temporary structures...and would each hold up to 5,000 people."  Just to set the record straight:

Our media has reported that the South of the Border workforce has been returning home because of our current economic situation.  With exception of New Orleans, our media has pretty much ignored recent hurricanes, flooding in the mid-West, so the States seem to be handling natural disasters well without the wringing of hands we saw with Fox News and Shepard Smith. 
So just what are these potential new programs that might require additional detention space?  Who are these people that Homeland Security thinks/feels might be part of a mass migration?  Birds are biologically driven to migrate seasonally.  Humans migrate for improved living conditions.  

Even with the Cuban Boat crisis, the Cubans were absorbed into already existing military facilities.  Granted, little known military installations were used for this, and a detention staff was needed because Cuba took advantage of the situation by emptying its prisons and mental institutions and we had a huge influx of criminals and crazies.  Are we anticipating another boat crisis?

Better yet, who are these people who will need to be detained because of potential new programs?  What new programs?  What kind of programs require detention space?  Detention connotes being held against one's will,  and why would our government have a need for a program for detention?  Just how does a government go about planning for an "unknown" event that will require detention?

It's the word detention that bothers me.  I don't think one would use the word detain if the government were providing assistance to victims of natural disaster.  Perhaps the better word for this would be shelter centers.  That goes for whatever the government would view as mass migration.  The word detention in this situation doesn't work for me either.  The more apt words would might be migration centers or shelters or facilities or sites. We don't detain people for changing locations for jobs, improved access to resources, now do we?  Are we talking (in my best condescending voice) about detaining our own citizens?  

I don't know if any illegals were ever "detained" in any of these centers supposedly to be built by KBR/Halliburton, or if in fact any centers were even established.  My casual reading leads me to believe that most illegals were turned loose soon after apprehension and they disappeared into the population.   I could be wrong this tho.

I want to know the status of these detention centers.  Were any actually built and are any of these sites manned by personnel.  Are any U.S. citizens or non-citizens housed/detained in these sites.   I also think the tax payer deserves an accounting of Three Hundred and Eighty Five Million dollars that belong to the citizenry of this country.  

I want to know exactly what kind of potential new program is being envisioned that would require the planning and operating of detention centers that could hold 5,ooo people.  Finally, who is going to man these detention centers if/when activated?  Is this one of the new missions of Northern Command?  Wish me luck in getting any answers.

See what happens when I am bored with prepping?  I just go off on tangents,  but perhaps not so far afield after all.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Sobering and Scrooge-like Thoughts

Breakfast Ponderings

Maybe I shouldn’t have had the extra cup of coffee this morning at IHOP.  Or maybe I had just one bite too many of my mushroom omelet.   Regardless, my mind went in warp speed, kicked into overdrive and all manner of disturbing thoughts raced through my mind.  As I sat across from my friend, I couldn’t help but wonder if she would be one of the survivors when the SHTF comes along.

 It isn’t as though she hasn’t been warned; even her husband has tried to talk to her about preparing for the coming economic tsunami.  His lack of physical health and stamina are not conducive for him to take charge and do anything on his own.  He is not master in his own home.  Her world revolves around chat rooms and whatever is on TV.  She has not responded well to suggestions that maybe she needs to have some kind of food and water storage, if nothing more than she is the sole breadwinner in the family.

It causes me considerable grief, when I look beyond the here and now.  The future looks to hold nothing that bodes well for most people.  We will all lose friends and a way of life to which we have become accustomed.  And what a great life it has been.  Our current economic crisis is being compared to the Great Depression.  What we are going to experience does not even begin to resemble anything comparable to what we have experienced in the past.  Our economy has become globalized with every integral part being so much like a falling line of dominoes. But I digress.

 My friend has refused any notion of preparing for the future.  Where will she be six months from now?  A year?  What skills does she possess that will enable her to survive along with her young son and ill husband?  Yes, she has family nearby, but her mother is old and sickly, and her brother is no better off than she is.  What skills or talents does she have that a prepared enclave would seek her out to include her for those abilities?  

I see it written on her face, she and her family will not survive without intervention.  Another sobering thought; what will she become in order to have any hope of survival?  Will she become the enemy if she is panicked and without resources?   

She is no different than 99% of the other IHOP patrons, just there fueling up before hitting the stores for Christmas goodies bought with the almighty credit card.  My fellow breakfasters were the same ones who bought the huge flat screens, latest crap for kids, and whatever else it is that people celebrate the holidays.   How’s that big screen going to work out when it’s either pay for the cable service or have next week’s meals?  There wasn’t a single IHOP patron this morning that could reasonably be assured to have a job by this time next year.

 This is a working class town.  The company that makes bank checks has already down-sized.  AT&T is planning its own down scaling of humans. Even China Mart has a down-size in the works.   Nothing in this town but small businesses, a Wachovia (is that still its name?), a mall with anchor stores closing their doors, and lots of little fast food places.  Oh, forgot the little hospital that serves a three county area.   My point?  This morning I was amongst people who a year from now may or may not be survivors. 

 Those who do survive will either be the ones who have prepped (in the minority), or those who have become part of roving groups in constant search for shelter/food/water looking for the people who will become their victims.  The path to survival is clear and simple.  I think that in the early days, there will be survivors who manage to eek out some kind of survival, but as resources dwindle and the government steps in with martial law to quell civil unrest….who knows. 

Questions and more questions

What’s up with teaching military personnel how to do civilian vehicle searches and roadblocks?  I am sorry, but those activities just don’t take rocket scientist-quality brains.  Show the troops Youtube videos depicting searches and road blocks as training films.  It's not like the military lacks experience.  Hello, what have the Army and Marines been doing in Iraq and Afghanistan--- check point duty!!!  Maybe I am taking the wrong reading on this but the more I think about, it, the more I am bothered.  I am thinking it is to get Mr. and Mrs. Average American used to seeing uniformed military personnel searching vehicles and heaven knows what else.

 There are a few other things that are bothering me.  Why does the United States need a large standing force which is based on the continent?  Our representatives didn’t think it was important enough to seal our borders from invasion by illegal aliens (I know not PC), haven’t chosen to get involved in the frequent incursions by the Mexican government into our South Western states, and no one seems to be worried about a major transportation node cutting through the US of A running from Mexico to Canada.  All of the aforementioned items are huge security issues!!  Why do we need this Northern Command of which the PTB speak?

 Yet, we need a standing force?  For what?  To protect against whom?  To do exactly what?  To provide disaster support or to supplant the States’ rights to their own military force?  Are the PTB basing this force on Hurricane Katrina and the ineptness of a mayor too stupid to evacuate his city, a governor too ridiculous to call up her state’s resources or to ask for Federal help?  Awe, give me a break.  What the hell happened to posse comitatus?   I can remember a time during the Atlanta prison riot that Army personnel weren't even allowed to drive a tank brought in from Fort Benning.  The FBI had to be taught how to drive the tank because of posse comitatus.  Wow, things sure have changed.

 I read somewhere that Marines on a southern California base were surveyed, and found that one in four Marines wouldn’t have a problem taking action against fellow citizens.  Why in the world would anybody ask that question in the first place?  Something about this smells like one big stinky fish, and it smacks of desensitizing the troops to the thought of possible action against the citizens.  Lord Almighty, this smacks of psychological operations....being used against us.  

 I have never bought into the Area 51 crowd, the truthers, or any of the other popular conspiracy theories.  I would describe myself as logical, practical, and a person who thinks for myself.  But what if there really are empty military bases sitting around waiting to be used for Lord knows what? 

 Knowledge is power.  Power to plan, prepare, prevent and prioritize

Monday, December 22, 2008

This is what it will be like

I sometimes wonder what a town or city would be like when/if (come on be real, when) the grid goes down.  How will people cope when they can't watch TV, heat their homes, cook or may be even use the ole computer.  

I have experienced bone achingly cold but only for a couple of days when a natural gas pumping station failed.  There is nothing like waking up knowing a house has been cold and dead for many hours and then realizing it will be days before there is any heat, let alone the ability to cook.  

It matters not whether it is natural gas, propane or electricity, cold is cold.  Like I said, I always wondered about maybe folks taking matters into their own hands.  I got my answer here:

Helpless, unprepared people WILL become desperate and try to take matters into their own hands. These are the people who will want what we have, what we have stored, from those of us who have been prepping all along.  The enemy is already among us.  

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Not a Huge surprise, now is it?

I just read how the Tamiflu is not working so well in this flu season!!!  I am surely not amazed by this revelation.  I have personally seen MANY docs and other providers write scripts for Tamiflu if nothing else but for the reason someone asked for it.  They asked for it because a patient thought she had been "exposed" to the flu.  Sort of the the story behind how many antibiotics are no longer effective against certain bacteria.  The healthcare industry pushed, pushed for patients to be prescribed antibiotics for symptoms that were related to a virus.  Hello, a virus is not even remotely related to bacteria.  Patients asked and were prescribed antibiotics for colds - a virus.  

The flu virus is treated by managing the symptoms.  If there is vomiting and diarrhea, those symptoms are treated.  Coughing, fevers, and body aches are treated with cough syrups, tylenol and advil, and if severe with pain relievers.  An antibiotic will do nothing for the flu.

In the elderly,  the flu can, however, turn into pneumonia because a virus lowers an older person's immunity, and subjects him or her to respiratory bacteria.  Ok, pneumonia then needs to be treated with an antibiotic.

So, perhaps you are asking why is this person babbling about the flu.  Well, first of all, I read about it in Survival News  Second, as preppers, it has two ramifications.  Get your darn flu and pneumonia (if you are over 65 or have a chronic illness).  Third, all preppers need to be able to identify the symptoms of the flu.  Our preparation storage must contain the medications to treat the resulting symptoms of the flu.  

Now back to our regularly scheduled prepping.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Friendly note

I was truly shocked when I received a little notice from my USAA Mastercard people telling me that, although it was no reflection on my credit standing, my APR was going to be raised from 4% to 6%.  That sort of got my attention.  If a card with major company of  the highest of standings is taking this step, then G-d help the evil demon credit card companies out Deleware.

I had heard on the local consumer advocate radio show hosted by Clark Howard that credit card companies are going to be up to tricks.  Changing due dates, giving shorter periods in which to pay the balance or incur interest, AND increasing APR up to the rate of 50%.  All without giving anyone advance notice.  This man is never wrong.  I mean, never.  If he says it, it is fact.  I never have carried a balance, but I sure will be looking closer to due dates.

Clark Howard also says the county tax assessors/commisioners may be up to trick too.  All in order to increase revenue.  You see, the tax people send you a note that reflects what is supposed to be paid by the mortgage company.  So you sit there all fat, dumb and happy thinking that the mortgage company has paid the bill.  The problem is that the mortgage company was never given the tax assessment bill, and therefore never paid the bill out of the escrow account.  Ah, so!!  The story isn't over yet.

Then because the tax payment is late, YOU get to pay a hefty late fee.  Voila, several hundreds of dollars in unanticipated extra revenue for the county.  But there is still more to be learned from this story.

Say you are getting ready to take advantage of the housing market, and are getting ready to sign for that great deal of a home.  Guess what???  Just what if that foreclosed home you are buying is in arrears in taxes.  The sale of  your new home can have the previous owner's tax debt and late fee added to your new house sale.  Just a thought.  Might be useful if thinking about picking up some good real estate deals.

Hear tell my local boys and girls in cars with blue lights are also getting really picky about proper stopping techniques, seat belt application, and by the way is that car insured?  Wonder if this is another way to generate some cash flow.  But then I never did trust people who set up speed traps.  One of our nearby townships was nationally recognized for inceasing city revenue with speed traps.

I know this is not really related to emergency preparedness.  But anything that comes between me and my money could become an emergency.  So, I guess it relates.

After much consideration and input from readers, I have put the katadyne water filter at the top of my purchase list.  I know water is the most important survival tool.  I think I was perhaps in denial, thinking that water would be always available.  Stupid, I know.  I will fix this deficiency this weekend.

Anybody know anything about growing rice?  Got the potatoes by growing in containers.  Just thinks rice would be a great item to grow.  Is it possible to grow wheat?  I have enough wheat saved, I just want to be able to grow my own.

I am turning into a farmer!!  Its a good thing I don't my getting my hand dirty.

Still have two other projects that are in the brewing (not literally) stage.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Thanks for the comments!!!!

Molly:  I went to your site and found your “how to” section.  The concept of wicking really appeals to me because Georgia has had a drought for the past two years.  No  indication this will change anytime soon.  We are planning to incorporate the wicking when we build our raised gardens next week.  I hope the Home Owner Association doesn’t get twitchy over this.

Bruce:  I have made purchases through that company.  Good service too.  I worry about not having enough protein in my preps.  Have even thought about raising a couple of chickens or maybe have a Talapia (mmmmm) pond.  Growing Talapia can easily be incorporated into the hydroponics process.

Solar cooker at Cantina West:  Totally fascinated with the concept of solar cooking.  I am doing some comparison shopping on line.  Won’t catch me anywhere near a store at this time of year.  Any recommendations about an off-the-shelf model?

Chris:  Hey how are your preps going?  Water is always on my mind.  Well, that and food of course.  I have to have a really good water filter that filters out the crap like cryptosporidium (sp?).  Very deadly for me.  I have access to water of all types, clean and creepy stuff.  So far, the Katadyne looks to be the best one for my needs.

 Rebecca:  Thanks for being impressed with my preps. I am continually worrying about all of the stuff I might not be worrying enough about.  Does that make sense?  Sort of an ignorance is bliss thing.  I keep thinking I am missing out some key piece of prepping.

 I would really like to hear about what everyone else is struggling with or working on right now.  Maybe I will be inspired with some new areas that need my attention.

The faster I go, the behinder I feel I am getting.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

I have been off the net for a while

Sorry, I have not been blogging at all since October.  Work, work is always the main reason.  All of these sick and needy people simply drain me of my energy and spirit.  There is nothing left for me and mine during the week.  Then I play catch up every weekend to do all the things I haven't accomplished during the week.

But there is another reason.  The whole world situation had gotten me down.  Between the economy, deepening unemployment, and the pace at which our domestic situation is deteriorating has had me in a deep dark and fuzzy depressed funk.  

The lightening speed at which things are falling apart is amazing and most people just aren't getting the message that their world is about to change in a way they never anticipated.
I recently read that the mortgage melt down we are now experiencing is nothing, repeat nothing, like what will be seen when the second round of ARM payments come due in 2009 and 2010.  Where are all of these people going to live?  Who is going to feed them?  I have a sick feeling in my stomach that there is a huge expectation that the Federal government will pick up the pieces. Obama can talk about creating government-based civilian job corps to build bridges and other civic projects.

Do you know how to build a bridge or repair a building?  I certainly don't have any of these skills and don't know anyone who is in the building trades.  Is he going to make retail projects that will hire all of the people who will be unemployed after the big box anchor stores in the malls shut down?  Have you looked recently at the number of retailers either downsizing or simply going out of business?  

There is some serious depression going on with those unemployed.  I see them every day.  They are shaken, deeply fearful, and don't know which way to turn.  They also lack any useful skills that would make them employable in the Obama Civil Works Movement.  These folks are scared, anxious and above all they are unwilling to roll up their sleeves and do any job other than their "career."  Of what value is knowing how to broker real estate, design custom kitchens, or work in a drinking straw factory.  Debt, depression, despair, that is what I see on a daily basis.
Ok so much for my rant.  This has been building for a while, so I had to get it off my chest.

My current projects
- bought flake red wheat to make flour.  Much easier to store unmilled wheat, less likely to get off flavors, and you mill only when you need it.  A fifty pound bag will make 46 loaves of bread.
- bought a Wondermill mill to make flour.  Was really intimated at first.  Worried about noise and fine debris all over the place.  Fairly quiet, and the collection container prevents flour dust!!!
- bread from said flour is wonderful.  I haven't had store-bought bread in years.  This flour makes even home-made bread better tasting.

Improved my security status considerably
- bought more ammo for hand guns and .308.  This is an on-going process
- bought an air rifle so if I have a need for a quiet operation where I don't want all the dogs in the neighborhood howling, to include my two pups.  May not be as lethal as some regular fire power, but it will do in some circumstances.  
- finally broke down and got a 20 gauge shot gun.  Wanted a Mossberg; wasn't sure I could deal with the weight or length of the barrel.  Still, I am happy with what I got.

My want list is getting shorter
-  I want a solar cooker
-  I want a katadyne water filter, just in case

Investing in tangibles - things which will be needed but soon will cost a fortune
- bought new tires.  I had maybe 4k left on them, got a good deal, bought em
- getting new brakes and tune up in two weeks

Seriously working on my emergency medical bag
- am putting together a prodecure book for certain medical situations.  Yeah, I have delivered babies a looooong time ago, but I don't remember the stages of labor and all that.  I know how to suture but there are different techniques for different types of skin and tissue.  That's the sort of thing.
- when my procedure book is finished, I will shrink it and laminate it 
- still stocking the supplies.
-  Everyone should take advantage of the Walmart $4 meds.  Yeah, they are generics but even the generics can save your life.   Get 'em in 90 day supplies too.
-  If you anticipate outsiders coming into your living area, be prepared that you might have to deal with infectious diseases.  You might even want to quarantine newcomers into your environs.  Seen too many cases of scabies, lice, and MRSA staph infections lately.  Nasty, and contagious as heck.  I might do a little "how to" look for these things or maybe a triage checklist if any body is interested.

Other items
- working on two other projects that could both provide income and enhance survival.
- will discuss at a later point

Food storage has vastly improved
- close to a year's worth now
- have become intimate with canning
- have become intimate with my dehydrator.  Have dehydrated celery, green and red peppers, mushrooms
- working on same with mylar
- am in love with gamma lids.  Not sure what all the different colors are for
- hydroponics is up and running.  Have tomatoes, broccoli, green peppers, spinich and romaine lettuce growing in the back room.  Started off with a one time cost of $300.  Nutrient solution runs about a buck a month.
- had a salad tonight made with romaine lettuce.  Is much better tasting than what is generally found in produce sections
- next week will start on raised garden for coming spring.  Beans, beans, beans.
- working on growing potatoes in containers.  Think I have the process down, but need to find a reliable source for the potato eye things to plant.  Not seeds.  
- thinking I may be able to dehydrate my own potatoes too.
-  still working on the cloning of hybrid tomato plants.  Each of the plants have blooms with promise of tomatoes.

The above picture is the romaine lettuce plant from which tonight's salad