First of all, I noticed that ammunition of all types is getting scanty, and then there is the matter of a very obvious depletion in shotguns and rifles. Several places are just out and can't even begin to say when more weapons will be available. I got mine, I was cruising and being nosey. And those that have recently been bought are the high end kind from the looks of the shelves.
Also noticed that ChinaMart is catering to the needs of a different clientle. I saw a lot of different stuff on the shelves today. I saw bigger bag of both beans and rice, and these were going quickly too. Saw a lot of consumables like tortillas, corn meal mix, tuna and spam going into carts. Not sure if this is people having to downsize their lifestyles or there is prepping going on. Will they be able to cook from scratch?
I also found a lot of dried bean products that I don't usually find, like great northern bean.
Hermit: I found my food slicer and it works like a charm. I have sliced and dehydrated a bag of Florida oranges, and several bunches of bananas. Tomorrow I will be taking advantage of a $10 for 10 containers of mushrooms and will be dehydrating these.
My next plan is to dehydrate some potatoes as a practice run so I will be able to quickly get operations set up to harvest potatoes, blanche them, and then dehydrate them.
My dehydrating operations lets me use my new slicer, dehydrator AND foodsaver do-hicky, and then I can fill mylar and seal them too. Oh, yeah, I to use those nifty O2 absorbers.
Bought a bunch of ammo for rifle and shot gun. I think I have plenty for my air rifle too. I need to seriously get out and shoot that darn thing.
So, I need some input here. Just how do you know that ya have enough of everything?
For crying out loud. I have more coffee already, but how long is that going to last. I have computed what we use during non-stressful times but is this enough? Ditto for food, just how do you know how much to have.
I have put away tons of fabric for future sewing needs, and that includes needles and threads. I have enough soap, T paper.
What are other people's priorities?
I am working on some things that will at least make my life civil. I am making a quilt for the master bedroom, just in case it does really get cold. I have got patterns to make uni-sex pajamas.
I have made bulk taco and chili seasoning so I don't need to rely on packed store bought and expensive teeny wheeny expensive packaging. I buy bulk wheat, yeast, beans, and canned meats as back up. My extra store in the freezer could get me by for at least 3-6 months. We make our own bread
I sense a feeling of guilt from some preppers who had tried to convince family and friends to get on board with prepping. I say you can't the be the all end all for everyone.
What ever is going to happen, I just wish the hell we get on with it. Is it going to be any less if we delay a recession/Depression, let's just get on with it.
The garden is nearly up and running. I will be canning tomatoes from the hydroponics garden in a couple of weeks. The Romas and Watermelon Beef Steak, Tim Tom cherry tomatoes. Romas will be for tomato sauce and paste. Beef Steak will be for canning and salads. Cherry tomatoes will be just for salads.
Da Da!! I have officially come into the 21st Century. I have gotten involved with solar energy. Bought a small set up that can run a few lights, lap tops, recharge cell phone batteries, and even run a refrigerator on a limited basis. It wasn't my plan to run a whole house on solar. I wanted to learn more about the process and at the same time be flexible enough that I could gradually expand to have needed power for an emergency.
Both the garden and the solar panels are sure to tick of the HOA. This will be a major opportunity to see if I can't get my neighbors into thinking about growing their own food, if for nothing more than safety and health reasons.